sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2011

Janela à Eurásia volta a abrir

O famoso e influente blogue Window on Eurasia mantido pelo escritor, analista e colunista americano Paul A. Goble voltará a funcionar à partir do dia 2 de Janeiro de 2012. 

Eis o que escreveu o próprio Paul Goble:  

On this, the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere but when once again the days begin to lengthen, I want to send greetings for the holiday season to all of you on the Windows list, to thank you for your many kind messages during what has been a difficult year for me, and to announce that I will resume the production of daily Windows on Eurasia articles on January 2 

Best regards,
Paul Goble

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No vodka, go home! / Proibida a propaganda totalitária ou anti - ucraniana.