terça-feira, junho 22, 2010

Petição: Stalin para a lixeira

Os EUA vivem a polémica histórica: a Fundação Memorial do Dia D ergueu o busto do ditador comunista soviético Josef Stalin no seu complexo memorial em Virgínia.

Outros americanos, incluindo os veteranos da II G.M. que participaram no Dia_D exigem a remoção imediata do busto, daquele que, provavelmente, foi o déspota mais sangrento de toda a história de Humanidade.

Caso concorde, poderá assinar a petição dos cidadãos que exigem a remoção do busto de Stalin do complexo memorial na cidade de Bedford no Estado da Virgínia:


The National D-Day Memorial Foundation in Bedford, Virginia, has erected a statue of Joseph Stalin, communist dictator of the Soviet Union. This statue is a gross insult to our veterans and fallen troops whose sacrifice on D-Day should be remembered in its proper historical context. It is a fact that neither Joseph Stalin nor Soviet forces participated in the D-Day landings.
Please help us as we work to remove this statue from the D-Day Memorial. Sign our petition at www.stalinstatue.com, and forward this e-mail to others who may share our concern for the memory of D-Day as we celebrate the 66th anniversary of this historic event. The online petition is at the center of our international campaign to remove the bust of Stalin from the D-Day Memorial, and we are sending it to our members and partner organizations. We will then direct the petition to the attention of the directors and benefactors of the D-Day Memorial Foundation as well as Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. We have included Secretary Salazar because the D-Day Memorial Foundation has indicated it wants to transfer the Memorial to the National Park Service, which is a part of the Interior Department.

With deep appreciation,
Lee Edwards, Ph.D.
O presidente da Fundação Memorial Vítimas de Comunismo

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