sexta-feira, abril 11, 2008

Tocha internacional do Holodomor

A sua jornada começou na cidade de Camberra, Austrália, dia 6 de Abril de 2008

Por: Marichka Halaburda

Canberra became the international focus this Sunday April 6, 2008 when the International Torch Relay – Remembrance Flame was lit by Mr Stefan Romaniw, Chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations and Ukrainian World Congress International Coordinating Committee of the 75 Anniversary of the Holodomor. Stefan Romaniw in his address highlighted the purpose of the Torch activity is to raise awareness of the Famine in Ukraine in 1932-33 on the occasion 75th Anniversary of the Famine and to continue Ukraine’s commitment to have the Famine recognised as an Act of Genocide by the United Nations.
The Torch and Flame will now travel to 33 countries and end its journey in Ukraine in November of this year in memory of the 7-10 million people starved to death as a result of Stalin’s’ forced collectivisation program .

The Flame began its journey in Australia with the historic lighting of the Flame, which was held on Sunday April 6, 2008 at 1.00 pm. at the Holodomor Memorial St Nicholas Ukrainian Autocephalic ( UAOC) Orthodox Church Grounds Mackay Gardens, Turner.
Sunday’s ceremony included a Torch Blessing by the Reverend Mychailo Solomko of the Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church and the Rev. Oleh Stefanyschyn of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the official lighting of the Torch by the International Committee Chair Stefan Romaniw and Ambassador of Ukraine Valentyn Adomaytis who passed to the survivors of the Famine – Mrs. Aleksandra Kryvoschyjia and Mrs. Janeczko. Following the lighting of the torch, the survivors passed on the torch to youth representatives of the Ukrainian community and to Senator Gary Humphries of the Australian Parliament, who attended with his son, Owen.

The International Torch is an official initiative of the Ukrainian Government and the Ukrainian World Congress. Internationally Communities which host the Flame will have an opportunity to organize events in conjunction with its arrival.
On 17 April 2008 Ukraine's Ambassador to Australia, Valentyn Adomaytis, and Chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations and chair of the International Coordinating Committee, Stefan Romaniw will travel to Toronto for the handling over the torch ceremony to the Ukrainian communities in North America.


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