sexta-feira, março 07, 2008

Letónia e Holodomor

O Parlamento da Letónia brevemente votará a Declaração do Reconhecimento do Holodomor ucraniano como acto do genocídio

KYIV, February 1 / UKRINFORM. Chairman of Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), Arseniy Yatsenyuk met Latvian Foreign Minister Maris Riekstins Friday, discussing Ukrainian – Latvian relations.
The parties to the meeting discussed the issue of Latvia's recognition of the 1932-1933 Holodomor in Ukraine as the genocide of Ukrainians. According to Maris Riekstins, soon the Latvian parliament will listen to a draft declaration on historical events in Ukraine that is the recognition of the Holodomor and expressed his hope that the declaration will soon be adopted. In his turn, Yatsenyuk thanked the Latvian diplomat for support of Ukraine in this issue.
The two officials also exchanged opinions on Ukrainian – Latvian cooperation and foreign relations. They, in particular, discussed the topic of European and Euro – Atlantic integration of Ukraine. Yatsenyuk said Ukraine's membership in influential global organizations will be preceded with public debates, with a view of informing the society about their about aims and tasks.
The Latvian diplomat confirmed the aspiration of official Riga to comprehensively support reforms and democracy in Ukraine.
Mais, no passado dia 6 de Fevereiro, Historiador português, Dr. Luís M. Ribeiro e o Embaixador da Ucrânia em Portugal, Sr. Rostyslav V. Tronenko tiveram uma reunião estimulante e positiva com deputados da Comissão Parlamentar dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Assembleia da República Portuguesa, a propósito da petição sobre o reconhecimento do Holodomor. (em letão) (inglês)

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