terça-feira, março 25, 2008

Carta ao Presidente da Ucrânia

Na sequência das trágicos acontecimentos em Kosovo, onde em resultado dos distúrbios provocados pelos grupos armados sérvios, morreu o polícia ucraniano Ihor Kinal, primeiro alferes do batalhão ucraniano do UNMIK, o presidente da República do Kosovo, Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu, escreveu uma carta de condolências, ao presidente ucraniano, Viktor Yushchenko.

Prishtina, 18 March 2008
His Excellency Victor Yushchenko
President of Ukraine

Dear President Yushchenko,

On behalf of the people of Kosovo and myself, please allow me to express our most sincere condolences to Your Excellency on the tragic death of your national, policeman Ihor Kynal, member of the 155 policemen’ contingent of Ukraine in Kosovo.
Policeman Kynal passed away serving in the sacred mission designed to maintain order and rule of law in Kosovo, therefore people of my country will always remember him with highest esteem.
At this time of grieve, we ask you, Mr. President, to convey our deepest sympathy to the Kynal family alike.

God Bless policeman Kynal!

Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu

President of the Republic of Kosovo

Prishtina, 18 March 2008
Major Bogdan Salyug

CommanderUkrainian Police Contingent

Dear Commander Salyug,

It is with deep sadness to learn the death of your national, the policeman Ihor Kynal. On behalf of the people of Kosovo and myself, please allow me to express our most sincere condolences to You personally and, to all members of your contingent.
The policeman Ihor Kynal passed away after having been wounded while serving his role in the sacred mission designed to maintain order and rule of law in Kosovo, therefore, our nation will always remember him with highest esteem.

May God Bless policeman Kynal!

Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu
President of the Republic of Kosovo


Entretanto, a Independência do Kosovo até hoje já foi reconhecida por Afeganistão, Albânia, Alemanha, Arábia Saudita, Austrália, Áustria, Bélgica, Bulgária, Canada, Costa Rica, Croácia, Dinamarca, Eslovénia, Estados Unidos, Estónia, Finlândia, França, Hungria, Irlanda, Itália, Japão, Letónia, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Malásia, Noruega, Panamá, Paquistão, Peru, Polónia, Reino Unido, Senegal, Suécia, Suíça, Taiwan e Turquia.


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