sexta-feira, dezembro 14, 2007

Rocking the Bloc

Solicitam-se os ensaios sobre o tema: “Como a musica rock mudou as mentalidades dos jovens na ex-URSS e na Europa Central e do Leste”

Rocking the Bloc: Rock Music and Youth Identities in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe"

Members of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) are planning a series of panels on the theme, "Rocking the Bloc: Rock Music and Youth Identities in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe." The panels will take place during the AAASS 40th National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, November 20-23, 2008. Panelists will be invited to take part in the publication of a book on rock music and youth identity in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Contributions by graduate students and junior and senior scholars are welcome. We hope to involve scholars from a number of disciplines, scholars from the region, and scholars in other fields of history interested in commenting on papers or drawing comparisons with other parts of the world.

Interested participants should submit titles of their presentations, brief summaries of presentations (100 words maximum), and CV by December 31, 2007 to:
Dr. William Risch
Assistant Professor of HistoryGeorgia
College and State University

Director, CIUS Publications Program,
Managing Editor,
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies,
Toronto Office
256 McCaul St., Room 302
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W5
Tel. 416-978-8669 / 416-978-6934
Fax: 416-978-2672

Concerto do grupo Okean Elzy em Munique

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