quinta-feira, maio 11, 2006

Solidariedade com Belarus

Initiators of holding Days of Solidarity have called upon Belarusian citizens to come to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk (Staravilenskaya Street, 48) and bring candles and portraits of Belarusian abducted and political prisoners and demand to stop support of the Belarusian regime. The Belarusians abroad and all those who are concerned over the fate of Belarus, are also called upon to come to Russian embassies and missions in different cities of the world. Initiators of the Days of Solidarity note that out of all neighbouring countries, only the leadership of Russia had recognized the rigged results of the presidential elections in Belarus, and as before provides support to dictator Lukashenka. However, the initiators of the protest believe, Russia can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society.

“It is known that G-8 summit, a summit of the world`s most developed democratic countries, is planned to take place in July in St. Petersburg. On the eve on this event Russian authorities hired one of leading international PR-agencies to improve image of Russia. We offer Russian authorities several simple steps to change image of Russia as a democratic country to the better. It is in your power to demand from Lukashenka to stop repressions against his political opponents and civil society, to create an independent international commission to investigate cases of disappeared leaders of opposition Viktar Hanchar, Yury Zakharanka, Anatoly Krasouski and a journalist of ORT channel Dzmitry Zavadsky; to stop criminal persecution of oppositionists and release all political prisoners,” the address published at internet-source: http://www.solidarity16.org/

Prisoners of conscience in prisons of Belarus are:
Autuhovich, Mikalay, a leader of entrepreneur movement
Astreyka, Mikalay, a member of civil initiative on election monitoring
Branitskaya, Enira, a member of civil initiative on election monitoring
Dranchuk, Tsimafey, a member of civil initiative on election monitoring
Zubro, Zmitser, a youth activist
Kazakou, Aliaksandr, a youth activist
Klimau, Andrey, an ex-MP of the Supreme Soviet of 13th convocation
Kazulin, Aliaksandr, an ex-candidate on presidency
Levaneuski, Valery, the leader of entrepreneur movement
Leshkevich, Siarhey, an activist of Milinkevich headquarters
Nibiyko, Dzianis, a member of civil initiative on election monitoring
Radzivil, Yury, an activist of Kazulin headquarters
Razumau, Mikalay, an activist of trade-union movement
Sasim, Nikita, a youth leader
Seviarynets, Pavel, a youth leader
Skrabets, Siarhey, an ex-MP
Statkevich, Mikalay, the leader of Belarusian social-democratic party "Narodnaya Hramada"
Finkevich, Arthur, a youth leader
Shalayka, Aliaksandr, a member of civil initiative on election monitoring

Fonte: http://www.charter97.org/eng/news/2006/05/11/russia

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No vodka, go home! / Proibida a propaganda totalitária ou anti - ucraniana.