quarta-feira, abril 05, 2006


145 EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 207 ● TORONTO, ON M8Z 5X8, CANADA ● TEL. (416) 323-3020 ● FAX (416) 323-3250, e-mail: congress@look.ca● NET: www.ukrainianworldconress.org
225 E. 11th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10003 USA ● TEL. (212) 254-2260 ● FAX (212) 979-101


From March 3-20, 2006 the UWC President visited Ukrainian communities in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Close to two million (as many as in the United States and Canada together) recently arrived Ukrainians currently reside in these three countries in various circumstances and myriad problems.


April 26, 2006 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster. The UWC has issued a statement, which reads in part:
Twenty years ago in April 1986, the reactor at the Chornobyl, Ukraine nuclear facility malfunctioned because of human error (experimentation) resulting in an explosion and contamination by radiation of a large territory, in particular northern and central Ukraine and neighboring countries, Belarus and Russia. Although only 31 men died during the explosion itself, the long-term contamination has affected hundreds of thousands in Ukraine and various European countries.
Like the majority of economically developed countries, Ukraine depends upon nuclear technology for its energy needs. Some ten nuclear energy facilities currently function in Ukraine, a number that will not decrease in the ensuing decades. Unfortunately, for a score of years Ukraine has had to live with the effects of the world’s greatest nuclear catastrophe. Therefore it is incumbent upon the people and government of Ukraine to ensure the safety of all nuclear facilities on its territory for today and the future.
It is important to note that the legacy of Chornobyl is not the product of an independent Ukraine. It is a result of Soviet policy and colonial exploitation. Consequently, the world community, in particular the economically developed industrial countries must address the Chornobyl fallout issue, including its financial ramifications. Unfortunately, to date that community has come up short even as to the closure of the fourth reactor at Chornobyl.
On the twentieth anniversary the Ukrainian World Congress urges the governments of Ukraine and other civilized countries to remember the victims of this catastrophe and to ensure that similar tragedies not occur. We urge our brethren-Ukrainians, wherever they may reside, to manifest particular sensitivity and monitor their government’s vigilance in this regard.”


On the upcoming annual occasion of the Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as in the past we send warmest greetings to all Ukrainians in Ukraine or dispersed in myriad countries throughout the world. Separately, we remit best wishes to the hierarchs and good shepherds of our traditional Christian flocks, the President, the government, the parliament and armed forces of Ukraine, the leadership and membership of our constituent organizations. May the Resurrection of our Lord serve as a reminder of the fifteen year old resurrection of our people and our ancestral homeland. With sincere reverence and gratitude to Jesus Christ for redemption, for all that He has done for mankind and our Ukrainian people, we renew our commitment to helping those less fortunate, in particular those closest to us, our Ukrainian brethren.

Christ has risen! Indeed He has Risen!

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No vodka, go home! / Proibida a propaganda totalitária ou anti - ucraniana.