sexta-feira, abril 28, 2006

Business in Ukraine

Business conference “How to manage in Ukraine” will be held on June 22, 2006 in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine.
The event is a great opportunity for interested investors, current and potential employees of multinational companies, and expatriate managers to get accustomed with the features of business in Ukraine and to facilitate information sharing.
The one-day dynamic business conference will feature the distinguished speakers - who are currently the owners and managers of the successful overseas companies that have managed to attain an excellent result in Ukraine. They will give an evaluation of Ukrainian business realities from an international perspective and help you to estimate possibilities of your company to enter the Ukrainian market. During the day you will discuss the importance of the Ukrainian market for the foreign companies.

Web-site will give you the detailed information about the conference.
In order to apply for the conference, please fill out the application form

Contact: Project Manager Mariya Novak
tel.: +380 44 205-83-20
cell.: +380 97 913-54-49
Photo from site:

2 comentários:


    sou um corretor de CEREAIS muito interessado na UKRANIA

  2. Então entra em contacto com a Maria (do site, que esta citado neste artigo) e em inglês pode fazer todas as suas perguntas, tenho maior certeza que ela vai lhe ajudar naquilo que quer comprar / vender da Ucrânia.



No vodka, go home! / Proibida a propaganda totalitária ou anti - ucraniana.