quarta-feira, outubro 05, 2005

NEWSLETTER do Congresso Mundial Ucraniano № 10 (26) do Outubro de 2005

145 EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 207 ● TORONTO, ON M8Z 5X8, CANADA ● TEL. (416) 323-3020 ●FAX (416) 323-3250, e-mail: congress@look.ca ● Web: ukrainianworldconress.org
203 SECOND AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10003 USA ● TEL. (212) 228-6840 ● FAX (212) 254-472


The next session of the UWC Executive will convene in Toronto, Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 9:30 AM. Since Executive sessions occur only semiannually, all members of the UWC Executive are urged to attend.


The UWC Executive Committee held a teleconference on Saturday, September 17, 2005 with the participation of its President Askold S. Lozynskyj, First VP Eugene Czolij, Secretary General Victor Pedenko, Treasurer Olga Danylak, Financial Director Bohdan Fedorak and Executive Director Lesia Szubelak. The Executive Committee assessed meetings held with government representatives and religious leaders in Kyiv in order to develop follow-up strategies, debated participation in the scheduled IV Forum in Kyiv in November, reviewed decisions and recommendations made at the Board of Director’s meeting for the purpose of their implementation, considered the need for a UWC office in Ukraine and reviewed 2005 fundraising activities.
Final decisions were tabled for the next Executive session. In preparation, ad hoc commissions were established to consider the need (mission statement) and viability of a UWC office in Ukraine and to
· develop a strategy for the March 2006 elections;
· executives were urged to consider а person in the President’s administration who would be a liaison between the UWC and the President of Ukraine;
· the treasurer and financial director were entrusted with the function of preparing a membership assessment and dues reevaluation;
· specific funding was addressed of proposals from the Conference of Ukrainian Youth Organizations and World Council on Cultural Affairs.
Since the definitive convening of the IV Forum could not be determined, this matter as well as the next session of the European Congress of Ukrainians was referred for monitoring.


On September 6, 2005, Verkhovna Rada (VR) Chair Volodymyr Lytvyn hastily (since he was leaving the same day for the United Nations in New York) submitted an agenda for the ensuing VR session which included the OUN - UPA recognition debate as agreed to by a consensus commission (and as agreed to between Mr. Lytvyn and the UWC delegation on August 19, 2005). Petro Symonenko, the Communist party leader, followed with a vitriolic and offensive diatribe against the OUN - UPA demanding the deletion of this agenda item. With no debate, the agenda was amended in accordance with Mr. Symonenko’s proposal and the revised agenda passed. In a letter dated September 20, 2005, the UWC urged Mr. Lytvyn to correct this egregious mishap by reintroducing the OUN-UPA agenda item. We await further developments.

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