quarta-feira, dezembro 15, 2004


The Company of Heroes, a full length feature film, depicting the struggle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, produced jointly by Olesfilm in Ukraine and Borec Realty from Australia will premiere in New York on Sunday, December 12, 2004 at 2:30 PM through the efforts of the UWC and the UCCA. Subsequent showings in the United States include: East Hanover, New Jersey on December 17 at 7PM; Philadelphia and Yonkers on December 18 at 1PM and 6PM respectively; and Northport, Florida during the week of December 19th. Theses events will be followed in the ensuing months with showings in other communities throughout the Diaspora as well as numerous international film festivals.

We extend our heartfelt Christmas greetings to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and in the Diaspora. As we take stock on the eve of a new year, 2004 has been remarkable, hopefully, a watershed in the democratization of Ukraine. Ukrainians in Ukraine and in the Diaspora have been united as perhaps never before. Our brethren on Independence Square in Kyiv, spearheaded by the younger generation, have manifested a resolve and strength, which has been the character of our nation over centuries. Whatever ensues, it will be good for Ukraine because it will result from the will of the people themselves. It seems that the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Savior, comes at a very opportune time. The new born baby Jesus will smile upon our people as we welcome him with the traditional: Khrystos Rodyvsia! Slavimo Yoho!

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No vodka, go home! / Proibida a propaganda totalitária ou anti - ucraniana.